By: Jennifer Hamilton (VP, Membership and Member Ambassador)

The Association for Women in Communications (AWC) – Detroit Chapter is more than just another professional communications organization. It is a sisterhood, a network of women who want to support each other and share their knowledge, and most importantly, a second family.

When I joined the Association for Women in Communications – Oakland University Student Chapter in 2005, the group welcomed me with open arms and gave me the opportunity to get involved in member mixers and presentations right away. I remain in touch with former president, Amy Dunham, on LinkedIn. I still proudly wear that student chapter pin as a reminder of my beginnings with the AWC.

When I joined the AWC Detroit Chapter as a professional communicator in 2020, I reached out to the committee leaders listed on the welcome email and looked for ways to get involved. After a few months of volunteering, they were so pleased with my efforts that they invited me to participate in the monthly board meetings as a guest. I took on the title of Marketing & Membership Coordinator and helped support their marketing efforts as well as member retention/growth.

As we approached fiscal year 2021-2022, Cindy Orlandi, former Member Ambassador, nominated me to serve on the board as the VP, Membership and Member Ambassador for July 2021-July 2022. I felt blessed and honored.

As the VP, Membership and Member Ambassador, I have connected with so many professional women across the state and I have been able to speak on behalf of the organization. The Oakland Post, Oakland University (OU)’s college newspaper, reached out to me directly to be interviewed on behalf of the AWC Detroit Chapter and I was featured in an article in support of the AWC OU Student Chapter and how it will benefit emerging communicators. I was also fortunate to speak at the Linked In: Tips & Tricks to Improve Your Digital Brand event on November 11, 2021, alongside impressive speakers from Lawrence Technological University. Within the past two years, I have watched myself grow within this wonderful group. All these doors opened when I joined the AWC. It has helped me spread my professional wings and make long lasting networking connections along the way.

The AWC Detroit Chapter is not just another membership, it is a way of life. It is an opportunity to continue the legacy of the original Theta Sigma Phi “sisters” before us, who boldly created our humble origins in 1909 and is now known as the Association for Women in Communications. This supportive organization provides us an opportunity to raise our voices, strengthen our skills and help pave the way for future communicators. Together, we can be unstoppable. As emerging communicators, this is your time to shine with fresh ideas. As seasoned communicators, you can never stop learning from those around you. As retired communicators, this is your time to share your knowledge with the next generation.

This holiday season, when you have finished decorating and wrapping gifts for family and friends, give yourself the best gift you can give and join AWC Detroit. To learn more about our great organization and sign up today, please visit here. If you have any questions in the meantime, do not hesitate to email me at

I look forward to welcoming you (even virtually) with open arms!